时 间:2018年1月12日(周五)下午3点
地 点:理工北楼301
主 办:数学科学学院
报告内容简介:Planar impacting predator-prey dynamical models with different functional response function have been proposed and analyzed, which could be applied to describe the integrated pest management and to address key questions arising from pest control. The existence and stability of boundary order-1 periodic solution have been investigated, and also the threshold conditions for occurring the transcritical bifurcation and stable switching related to the boundary order-1 periodic solution are obtained. Furthermore, the definition and properties including monotonicity and discontinuity of the Poincare map determined by the proposed impacting system are discussed, which can allow us to reveal the existence and global stability of order-1 periodic solution. The main results indicate that multiple discontinuous points of the Poincare map could induce the coexistence of multiple order-1 periodic solutions. Moreover, numerical analyses reveal the complex dynamics of the model including periodic adding and halving bifurcations, which could result in multiple active phases, among them the rapid spiking and quiescence phases can switch each other and consequently create complex bursting patterns. Main results reveal that it is beneficial to restore the stability and balance of the ecosystem for species with group defense by moderately reducing population densities and group defense capacity. However, the weak or strong pest control not only increases the amplitude of pest population, but also aggravates the extinction of natural enemy population, even though pesticides have no influence on natural enemies. In this talk, I would also like to introduce some recent results, main applications and challenges on this topic.
(作者:朱守丽 审核:柏传志)
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